How to safely cancel a gRPC ledger stream?

I’m using the java bindings, specifically the following stub to request completions from the ledger:

What I would like to know is how I can safely cancel this stream (without shutting down the entire GRPC channel).

I think this is a general question that can be applied to any stub returning a io.grpc.stub.StreamObserver.

Is there a specific reason why you are using the raw gRPC-generated code instead of the Java bindings?

As for raw gRPC-generated code, I would recommend you have a look at the gRPC docs here, there’s also a pointer to an example.

Hi, sorry for the late reply.

Is there a specific reason why you are using the raw gRPC-generated code instead of the Java bindings ?

I’m using a different streaming library, and I’ve had a mediocre experience with RX before. Also, I think RX1 has reach end-of-life already.

Thanks for the link; I will try and implement that.

What streaming library are you using and what advantages does it have over RxJava?

Indeed RxJava 2 (which is used by the Java bindings) is not actively developed anymore. The current plan is to transition to RxJava 3 to minimize disruptions and ensure a smooth transition to existing users.

Currently using fs2. It uses some scala-specific language features so won’t work in Java, I think. But the design is quite different. It has

  • No side-effects, so it’s easier to reason about
  • It’s pull-based (rather than push-based), making working with back-pressure much easier
  • It has good concurrency primitives.

The previous experience I had with rx is that it was good for asynchronous programming, but it was lacking as soon as you started working with concurrency. But tbh that was RX1, quite a while ago.

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Got it, thank you!

As pointed out by stefano, there is an example of how to do this in java. The key is that in the daml API we provide a ResponseObserver which doesn’t have a cancel method, but it can be cast into a a ClientCall StreamObserver , as explained in this comment:

This provides access to a cancel() method, which does what we want.