How to fetch a value from one template and paste it another template in scenario

module Final where

import Daml.Script

data Agent = Agent with
  name : Text
  email : Text
  phone_number : Text
  regulator : Party
    deriving (Eq, Show)

template Cases
    casenum : Text
    timestamp : Text
    claiment : Agent
    respondent : Agent
    casetype  : Text
    regulator  : Party

    signatory regulator
    -- key (email,name) : (Text,Text)
    -- maintainer key._1
    choice Updatecase : ContractId Cases
        ncasenum  : Text
        ntimestamp : Text
        nclaiment : Agent
        nrespondent : Agent
        ncasetype : Text
      controller regulator
      do create this with
           casenum = ncasenum
           timestamp = ntimestamp
           claiment = nclaiment
           respondent = nrespondent
           casetype = ncasetype

template Document
    regulator : Party
    caseid : Text
    doctype : Text
    docname : Text
    dochash : Text
    timestamp : Text
    uploadedby : Agent

    signatory regulator

    choice Updatedoc : ContractId Document
        ndoctype  : Text
        ndocname : Text
        ndochash : Text
        ntimestamp : Text
        nuploadedby : Agent
      controller regulator
      do create this with
           doctype = ndoctype
           docname = ndocname
           dochash = ndochash
           timestamp = ntimestamp
           uploadedby = nuploadedby

setup = script do

  alice <- allocatePartyWithHint "Alice" (PartyIdHint "Alice")

  -- submit alice do
  --   createCmd Asset with
  --     respondent = alice
  --     claiment = alice
  --     casenum = "7890"
  --     filename = "Text"
  --     filehash = "Text"
  --     timestamp = "Text"
  --     uploadedby = "Text"


  cases<-  submit alice do

    createCmd Cases with
      casenum = "124"
      timestamp = "Time"
      claiment = Agent with
        name = "Nikhil"
        email = ""
        phone_number = "8323832938"
        regulator = alice
      respondent = Agent with
        name = "Nikhil"
        email = ""
        phone_number = "8323832938"
        regulator = alice
      casetype  = "Text"
      regulator = alice

  submit alice do

    createCmd Document with
      regulator = alice
      caseid = "124"
      doctype = "agreement"
      docname = "testcases"
      dochash = "2azxwe34qwdaw1234raasr"
      timestamp = "Text"
      uploadedby = Agent with
        name = "Nikhil"
        email = ""
        phone_number = "8323832938"
        regulator = alice

In Scenario How can add Real Timestamp for cases contract ( line number 100)

In Scenarios How can I fetch the caseid(Documents Template) value which is equal to casenum( Cases Template)

To get the time, change the type of the field from Text to Time and then use something like

  time <- getTime
  cases<-  submit alice do

    createCmd Cases with
      casenum = "124"
      timestamp = time
      claiment = Agent with
        name = "Nikhil"
        email = ""
        phone_number = "8323832938"
        regulator = alice
      respondent = Agent with
        name = "Nikhil"
        email = ""
        phone_number = "8323832938"
        regulator = alice
      casetype  = "Text"
      regulator = alice

Note that this fills in the timestamp on the client side. You could also fill it in in a choice that you call via createAndExerciseCmd in which case it will be selected on the participant.

For your second question, you could use query to fetch all Document contracts and then filter to the ones with the corresponding case id. Something like this:

allDocuments <- query @Document alice
let filteredDocs = filter (\d -> d.caseid == "124") allDocuments

You might want to consider using a contract key for the case id here in which case you could use queryContractKey to fetch by case id instead of fetching all contracts and then filtering.

can you please explain the second part, I am unable to understand.
I want to fetch the casenum value and allocate it to the case Id in script results.

Part two of my question is

template Cases
    casenum : Text
    timestamp : Time
    claiment : Agent
    respondent : Agent
    casetype  : Text
    regulator  : Party

    signatory regulator
    key regulator : Party
    maintainer key

template Document
    regulator : Party
    caseid : Cases.casenum(this caseid should equal to casenum from Cases Documnet)
    doctype : Text
    docname : Cases
    dochash : Text
    timestamp : Time
    uploadedby : Agent

    signatory regulator
    key regulator : Party
    maintainer key

How can I equate the casenum from Documents Template to caseid to Cases Template, Because both case Id and Casenum are same!!

Iā€™m not sure I understand what you mean by equate but you can do something like this:

  casesCid <-  submit alice do

    createCmd Cases with
      casenum = "124"
      timestamp = "Time"
      claiment = Agent with
        name = "Nikhil"
        email = ""
        phone_number = "8323832938"
        regulator = alice
      respondent = Agent with
        name = "Nikhil"
        email = ""
        phone_number = "8323832938"
        regulator = alice
      casetype  = "Text"
      regulator = alice

  Some cases <- queryContractId alice casesCid

  submit alice do

    createCmd Document with
      regulator = alice
      caseid = cases.casenum
      doctype = "agreement"
      docname = "testcases"
      dochash = "2azxwe34qwdaw1234raasr"
      timestamp = "Text"
      uploadedby = Agent with
        name = "Nikhil"
        email = ""
        phone_number = "8323832938"
        regulator = alice
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