How to do Interactions of two choice from different template

Hi there ,I am working on two choices which are in 2 different template. How can I make changes in of one choice from one template to another choice of another template and change the parameters.
For eg :- my choice from Invoice template and want to change the status.

I’m afraid I’m not following what you’re looking to do. Would you mind elaborating? A specific example would probably be most helpful.

Here I created UpdatePOVStatus and UpdatePOStatus ,and now I am getting error as Update failed due to fetch of an inactive contract

Code :-
controller operator can
nonconsuming VInvSetHospital : ContractId Invoice
invcid : ContractId Invoice
hospital: Party
useremail: Text
username: Text

          let payment_term = foldl(\paymentterm invoiceVendorTerm ->
                      if == hospital
                      then paymentterm <> invoiceVendorTerm.auto_payment_hospital
                      else paymentterm
                      ) "" admindetails.invoice_term_setting

          (newinvCid, invoicecontract) <- exercise invcid SetInvoiceHospital with 
                            payment_term = Some payment_term
                            vendor_ach_info= vendordetails.ach_info
                            vendor_address = Some vendordetails.vendoraddress
          addNewLogEvents (operator, vendor, (Some hospital), SendInvoice, 
            (InvoiceLogEntry with invData = invoicecontract), useremail, username, (invcid /= newinvCid))
          (poCid, po) <- findPO (operator, hospital, vendor, invoicecontract.invoicedata.invpurchaseorderid)
          (povCid, pov) <- findPOV (operator, hospital, vendor, invoicecontract.invoicedata.invpurchaseorderid)
          -- update po, pov status
          _ <- if isSome poCid then do
              exercise (fromSome poCid) UpdatePOStatus with newpostatus = InvoiceReceived
            else pure()

          _ <- if isSome povCid then do
              exercise (fromSome povCid) UpdatePOVStatus with newpostatus = InvoiceSent
            else pure()
          return (newinvCid)


The error is as mentioned, “failed due to fetch of an inactive contract”

It looks like you are exercising a choice VInvSetHospital, and you pass in the invcid, I don’t think you’ve copied and pasted the part where you fetch the invoice contract.

or it can be “newpoststatus = InvoiceReceived” But I’m not sure based on this snippet. But the overall issue is, you’re using a contract that has probably been archived or has not yet been created yet.

Thanks @rikotacards ,I will try it.