Right now daml sandbox automatically binds to localhost when running it … There seems to be no more ledger-host property that can be provided in the command line --can that be done easily?
Hi @Jean_Safar1,
You can specify configuration using the -C
option, using the fully qualified name of the option. For example to set the address/host that the Ledger API binds to you can do something like this:
daml sandbox --debug -C canton.participants.sandbox.ledger-api.address=
If you are interested in other parameters that can be also used, run the sandbox with the --canton-help
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Thanks a lot Mate,
That’s what I had but I got confused by the printout and did not actually test after that, which I should have:
daml sandbox --dar daml1/daml1-1.0.0.dar -c sf.conf -C canton.participants.sandbox.ledger-api.address=
Starting Canton sandbox.
Listening at port 6865
Uploading daml1/daml1-1.0.0.dar to localhost:6865
DAR upload succeeded.
Canton sandbox is ready.