How do I test the Examples provided in the Introduction to Daml section

Hi Team,

I am trying to test the below code by clicking out “script result” section. I can see the contracts created or tested, but when I try the below code. I don;t see any output in the test screen. Am I doing the correct thing.


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Hi @rajesh

Your code works as expected. There is no output of the script in this case. This example is about a certain data type and no template defined to evaluate yet. Go ahead with other examples to check the script functionality.

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If you want to convince yourself that this works as expected, you could add a line

  debug "success!"

at the end of your tuple_test script. That should appear in the transaction view.


The current way of displaying this is definitely very confusing. I’ve opened Issues · digital-asset/daml · GitHub improve this.


Hi @Gary_Verhaegen

For correct operation, I had to format that debug message as:

debug = "Success!" <- Hard-left align.

Great tips, thanks :+1:t2: