How do I find out the particular Daml SDK and LF version of a specific DAR

How do I determine the SDK version used to build a particular DAR?
Is it possible to determine the LF version as well?

I see the SDK version is include in the of the dar if i explode it out – is this the best way of retrieving?

❯ jar -xvf mydar-1.1.1.dar

Manifest-Version: 1.0
Created-By: damlc
Name: my-dar-1.1.1
Sdk-Version: 2.6.7

See Daml SDK version for a given DAR? - #2 by WallaceKelly for the SDK part of the question.

…Although, the MANIFEST.MF approach looks good too.

And regarding the Daml LF, see Daml-LF version for a given DAR?.

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ah nice i wasn’t aware of daml damlc inspect