How do I check canton participant configuration?

Adapted from a private conversation:

I’ve not configured authentication on a participant node, but the ledger API keeps rejecting my API requests as unauthenticated. Shouldn’t it be enough to not set the config parameter canton.participants.participant1.ledger-api.auth-services for the participant participant1 and how do I check I’m not actually accidentally setting it?

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It is correct that not setting the auth-services should be sufficient to disable authentication. The way to check is via the Canton console. There you have to translate the pure-config hyphenated parameters into camelCase. Ie in the console you can type

res3: Seq[com.digitalasset.canton.participant.config.AuthServiceConfig] = List()

The result List() in the above tells you that there is indeed no authentication configured. If the result is something else have another look at your config files.