I’m trying to handle an inbuilt exception in a Script. Using the getting-started User
example, I’ve written this test, trying to handle an assertion failure and just log the error message:
my_test : Script ()
my_test = script do
alice <- allocateParty "Alice"
bob <- allocateParty "Bob"
aliceUserCid <- submit alice do
createCmd User with username = alice; following = []
bobUserCid <- submit bob do
createCmd User with username = bob; following = []
aliceUserCid <- submit alice do
exerciseCmd aliceUserCid Follow with userToFollow = bob
try do
aliceUserCid <- submit alice do
exerciseCmd aliceUserCid Follow with userToFollow = bob
return ()
AssertionFailed m -> debug m
GeneralError m -> debug m
return ()
However, I get the error
Unhandled exception: DA.Exception.AssertionFailed:AssertionFailed@3f4deaf145a15cdcfa762c058005e2edb9baa75bb7f95a4f8f6f937378e86415 with
message = "You cannot follow the same user twice"
This is surprising since AssertionFailed
is one of the cases in my catch
block. What am I doing wrong?
This is using SDK 1.16.0.