How can I use DABL integrations?

I’m trying to understand how I can use DABL integrations.

Am I right to think that I can import into my DAML app the DAML module of the integration?


@gyorgybalazsi That’s exactly correct. Once an integration has been installed into a ledger, the DAML model for that integration will be visible in the “Deployments” tab.

From there, you can download the DAR file for the integration, import it into your existing DAML project, and reference the contract templates defined in that DAML model.


Thank you!

@gyorgybalazsi Thanks for asking that question. I briefly looked at the documentation and it looks like it is missing the part where you download the dar file. We will address.

Another way of interacting with an integration is via a python automation bot that acts as an adapter. For example you can write a bot which listens to ledger_created() events of contracts coming from the integration dar and creates or exercises contracts that belong to your custom dar. The tradeoff here is to remove the dependency of your model to the integration dar in exchange for some extra code and type safety.


Thank you!