This is the Daml declaration of a variant type:
data BookAttribute = Pages Int
| Authors [Text]
| Title Text
| Published with year: Int; publisher: Text
deriving(Eq, Show)
This is the generated code for BookAttibute:
exports.BookAttribute = {
decoder: damlTypes.lazyMemo(function () { return jtv.oneOf(jtv.object({tag: jtv.constant('Pages'), value: damlTypes.Int.decoder, }), jtv.object({tag: jtv.constant('Authors'), value: damlTypes.List(damlTypes.Text).decoder, }), jtv.object({tag: jtv.constant('Title'), value: damlTypes.Text.decoder, }), jtv.object({tag: jtv.constant('Published'), value: exports.BookAttribute.Published.decoder, })); }),
encode: function (__typed__) {
switch(__typed__.tag) {
case 'Pages': return {tag: __typed__.tag, value: damlTypes.Int.encode(__typed__.value)};
case 'Authors': return {tag: __typed__.tag, value: damlTypes.List(damlTypes.Text).encode(__typed__.value)};
case 'Title': return {tag: __typed__.tag, value: damlTypes.Text.encode(__typed__.value)};
case 'Published': return {tag: __typed__.tag, value: exports.BookAttribute.Published.encode(__typed__.value)};
default: throw 'unrecognized type tag: ' + __typed__.tag + ' while serializing a value of type BookAttribute';
decoder: damlTypes.lazyMemo(function () { return jtv.object({year: damlTypes.Int.decoder, publisher: damlTypes.Text.decoder, }); }),
encode: function (__typed__) {
return {
year: damlTypes.Int.encode(__typed__.year),
publisher: damlTypes.Text.encode(__typed__.publisher),
How can I express in the TypeScript code the equivalents of the following Daml values?
pages: BookAttribute = Pages 100
authors: BookAttribute = Authors ["Leo Tolstoy", "George Orwell"]
title: BookAttribute = Title "Alice's Adventures is Wonderland"
published: BookAttribute = Published 1865 "Macmillan"