Help Needed with Daml Trigger (Syntax related)

Currently, the below trigger exercises the choice “AssetHoldingAccountProposal_Accept” for all incoming AssetHoldingAccountProposals. Upon accepting, the proposal gets archived, and the outstanding proposal contracts become a count of 0, and the trigger stops firing.

The issue is that, there will be the situation where the AssetHoldingAccountProposal CANNOT be accepted, becaues the user already has an existing AssetHoldingAccount.


  • For incoming AssetHoldingAccountProposals, query the AssetHoldingAccount by key,
  • if the result is not null (meaning there exists an assetHoldingAccount for this corresponding proposal)
  • Reject the proposal (proposal gets archived)
  • if null, accept the proposal (proposal gets archived)

This will stop the trigger from firing endlessly if I’m sending a proposal to someone that already has the account.

AssetHoldingAccountProposal Template

template AssetHoldingAccountProposal with
    account : AssetHoldingAccount
    recipient : Party
    signatory account.assetType.issuer
    observer recipient

    choice AssetHoldingAccountProposal_Accept : ContractId AssetHoldingAccount
      controller recipient 
        create account with
          owner = recipient

    choice AssetHoldingAccountProposal_Reject : ()
      controller recipient 
        return ()

CURRENT TRIGGER, (does not query AssetHoldingAccount)

module AcceptAssetInviteTrigger where

import Account
import qualified Daml.Trigger as T
import DA.Foldable
import DA.Action

-- Auto accept assset invitation
acceptAssetInviteTrigger: T.Trigger ()
acceptAssetInviteTrigger = T.Trigger 
 { initialize = pure (),
  updateState = \_  -> pure (),
  registeredTemplates = T.RegisteredTemplates [T.registeredTemplate @AssetHoldingAccountProposal],
  rule = \p -> do
    requests <- T.query @AssetHoldingAccountProposal
    let isMe = (\requests -> requests.recipient == p)
    let meList = filter (\(_, contract) -> isMe contract) requests
    let requests = map fst meList

    debug ("asset holding account invites", requests)

    unless ( DA.Foldable.null requests ) do
       mapA_ (\request ->  T.dedupExercise request AssetHoldingAccountProposal_Accept) requests
    debug $ "TRIGGERED",
  heartbeat = None

I’m trying to do something like the below

module AcceptAssetInviteTrigger where

import Account
import qualified Daml.Trigger as T
import DA.Foldable
import DA.Action
import DA.Optional (isSome, whenSome)

-- Auto accept assset invitation
acceptAssetInviteTrigger: T.Trigger ()
acceptAssetInviteTrigger = T.Trigger 
 { initialize = pure (),
  updateState = \_  -> pure (),
  registeredTemplates = T.RegisteredTemplates [T.registeredTemplate @AssetHoldingAccountProposal, T.registeredTemplate @AssetHoldingAccount],
  rule = \p -> do
    requests <- T.query @AssetHoldingAccountProposal
    let isMe = (\requests -> requests.recipient == p)
    let meList = filter (\(_, contract) -> isMe contract) requests
    let requests =  meList

    debug ("asset holding account invites", requests)

    unless ( DA.Foldable.null requests ) do
      case requests of 
        [] -> pure()
        (requestCid, c) :: _ -> do
          optAccount <- T.queryContractKey @AssetHoldingAccount (c.account.assetType, c.account.owner)
          if isSome(optAccount) 
            then do 
              T.dedupExercise requestCid AssetHoldingAccountCloseProposal_Reject
          else do 
            T.dedupExercise requestCid AssetHoldingAccountProposal_Accept
    debug $ "TRIGGERED",
  heartbeat = None

and I get a red squiggle under the first T.dedupExercise, right below the then do line. Saying

• No instance for (HasExercise
arising from a use of ‘T.dedupExercise’

I’m not sure what the right syntax to use is, I need to map through the incoming requests,
Then query the @AssetHoldingAccount, and then if its NOT null, I need to reject the proposal requests.

It looks like you typoed your choice name. Your trigger is calling AssetHoldingAccountCloseProposal_Reject but the choice is called AssetHoldingAccountProposal_Reject without the Close.

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… And that fixed it. Thank you!

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