Getting whitespace to be interpreted correctly with vanilla vim on LSP?


Does anyone know how to get whitespace to be interpreted correctly with vanilla vim on LSP?

My errors don’t have new-lines in them, so they can be pretty hard to read! e.g.

daml/ContingentClaims/Lifecycle.daml|58 col 26| typecheck:Error:/home/luciano/src/contingent-claims/daml/ContingentClaims/Lifecycle.daml:58:26: error: • Couldn't match type ‘(Decimal, C a)’ with ‘Claim Observation Date a4’ Expected type: (Decimal, C a) -> WriterT [(Decimal, a)] (Kleisli m Date) (F a (Either (C a) (Decimal, C a))) Actual type: C a4 -> WriterT [(Decimal, a)] (Kleisli m Date) (F a (Either (C a) (Decimal, C a))) • In the expression: acq >=> set In an equation for ‘acquireThenSettle’: acquireThenSettle spot = acq >=> set where acq = fmap (fmap (fmap sequence)) . fmap (fmap sequence) . fmap sequence . fmap . fmap lift . acquire' spot set = getOp . contramap sequence . contramap (fmap (fmap sequence)) . contramap (fmap (fmap project)) . Op . fmap (fmap sequence) . fmap sequence . fmap . settle' spot • Relevant bindings include acq : C a4 -> WriterT [(Decimal, a)] (Kleisli m Date) (Decimal, Claim Observation Date (f3 (t1 a1))) (bound at /home/luciano/src/contingent-claims/daml/Conti

Using daml build gives me a nicely indented error message:

File:     daml/ContingentClaims/Lifecycle.daml
Hidden:   no
Range:    58:26-58:37
Source:   typecheck
Severity: DsError
  daml/ContingentClaims/Lifecycle.daml:58:26: error:
  • Couldn't match type ‘(Decimal, C a)’
  with ‘Claim Observation Date a4’
  Expected type: (Decimal, C a)
  -> WriterT
  [(Decimal, a)] (Kleisli m Date) (F a (Either (C a) (Decimal, C a)))
  Actual type: C a4
  -> WriterT
  [(Decimal, a)] (Kleisli m Date) (F a (Either (C a) (Decimal, C a)))
  • In the expression: acq >=> set
  In an equation for ‘acquireThenSettle’:
  acquireThenSettle spot
  = acq >=> set
  = fmap (fmap (fmap sequence))
  . fmap (fmap sequence)
  . fmap sequence . fmap . fmap lift . acquire' spot
  = getOp
  . contramap sequence
  . contramap (fmap (fmap sequence))
  . contramap (fmap (fmap project))
  . Op . fmap (fmap sequence) . fmap sequence . fmap . settle' spot
  • Relevant bindings include
  acq : C a4
  -> WriterT
  [(Decimal, a)]
  (Kleisli m Date)
  (Decimal, Claim Observation Date (f3 (t1 a1)))
  (bound at daml/ContingentClaims/Lifecycle.daml:60:5)
  acquireThenSettle : (Text -> Date -> m Decimal)
  -> (Decimal, C a)
  -> WriterT
  [(Decimal, a)] (Kleisli m Date) (F a (Either (C a) (Decimal, C a)))
  (bound at daml/ContingentClaims/Lifecycle.daml:58:1)
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