Get the Public Party token

Hello guys,
we were able to fetch the public id but not the public token
here is the call POST
“code”: “missing_token”,
“description”: “this endpoint requires a valid token and none was supplied”,
“success”: false

if anyone has an idea?

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Hello @Med_Amine_ID and welcome to the forum. We actually created a little library to make it easier to write UIs for dabl. @daml/hub-react - npm . Within a PublicLedger React context that fetch is handled for you and you can just get data as the Public party.

With respect to your specific question, you forgot to insert the ledgerId into the URL for the token (at according to this code :smiley: ).


Thank you for your answer I will check it out and I did have the correct ledgerId on my request just a typo from my end.

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