Filters in gRPC API and action consequences

The gRPC API exposes a filtering mechanism for subscriptions:

Say I use a filter in GetTransactionsRequest that specifies only a single party P and a single template T, and there’s an exercise event on some instance of T with P as an informee. If the exercise has consequences on other templates, will I receive those consequences?

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The gRPC filter does not take consequences into account. That’s one of the reasons why the transaction tree doesn’t have any template filtering. A forest where you randomly select a few nodes by template without taking consequences into account will no longer be connected.

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I’m not sure what you mean here; you can definitely specify a filter for tx trees as both flat and full transactions use the same request type. Are you saying that the provided filter is completely ignored for transaction trees?

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Not completely. Only the parties from the filter are taken into account.

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It’s not just ignored, you will get an error if you specify templates daml/TransactionServiceRequestValidator.scala at 7bea34955ed6605827204f7ef9758b0d44140640 · digital-asset/daml · GitHub.