ExerciseByKey wildcard

New to DAML here.

Looking to implement an update on a group of contracts of another type given a key pattern. can owner update all contracts that have key of owner and wildcard field. Is this possible? Are wildcard pattens supported?

exerciseByKey @B (owner, <wildcard>) do_something with ....

Current Design is as follows:

Template A 
 owner: Party
  signatory owner

choice Update : ContractId A with
controller owner
      exerciseByKey @B (owner, <wildcard>) do_something with ....
      create this with ...

choice Create B: ContractId B with
controller owner
    create B with otherPerson   

Template B
  owner: Party
  otherPerson: Party 
   signatory owner
   observer otherPerson
   key (owner, otherPerson) : (Party, Party)
   maintainer key._1

choice do_something: ContractId B with ....

No, you need to specify the full key. If you need wildcard like behavior you need to resolve the query off-ledger, e.g., have your client track all contracts and build an index to answer those wildcard queries and then pass in the actual contract id you want to exercise on to the ledger

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