Does Divulgence imply that a party sees the contract payload?

I tend to mixup witnessing and divulgence, and want to confirm that if a party has a contract divulged to them, then they do see the payload of the contract?

The informees of an action are the parties that directly see an action, e.g., for a create node the signatories & observers.

Witnesses extends this concept to include subtransaction privacy: The witnesses of an action are the informees of that action as well as all informees of ancestor actions.

An action is divulged to a party is a witness on that action but not a stakeholder on the corresponding contract. This includes seeing the payload.

The ledger model section on privacy covers this pretty well.

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And fetch woud be an action that could lead to divulgence.

More specifically, a fetch will lead to divulgence if you’re fetching a contract while there are witnesses of this fetch (because they are informees of ancestors) that are not stakeholders of the contract you are fetching.

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Thank you very much.