Daml Ui for daml hub

Hello Damlers,

I’m wondering if there is an agnostic UI that I can use for any daml project like the navigator frontend to create and execute choices on contracts?


Hi @Rotoo,

If you want something like Navigator, there is… Navigator? Could you expand on what you mean by “like Navigator” but excluding Navigator itself?

Generally speaking, we do not recommend Navigator for production use. It has been designed as a developer tool, and may lack features for production use-cases (security tweaks, high availability mode, etc.). We also do not believe that such a tool makes sense for many production use-cases, as, being a generic UI, it cannot convey to the interacting parties what exactly the various contracts they sign mean, and we don’t believe in blindly signing contracts: one of the core tenets of Daml is that you should know what you’re signing.

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I mean a react UI that can list templates and contracts and create fields automatically for users from the dar files.

Since we’re using it for a POC, it’s not necessary for the moment to cover aspects like availability and security.

I apologize for being dense here, but it’s still not clear what you need that Navigator doesn’t provide.

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Sorry, it’s my bad. I thought the navigator frontend can be used only locally.

Thank you for your time and patience @Gary_Verhaegen.

Hi @Rotoo,

If your DAR is deployed on Daml Hub, you may also use the built-in “Live Data” experience. It displays the set of active contracts broken down per-party visibility, with rich search/filtering capabilities, and allows you to create and exercise contracts.

In addition, other users who have joined your ledger will have their own Live Data view for interacting with contracts, scoped to their respective parties’ visibility.

This is accessible simply by entering the Ledger view and clicking on “Live Data” in the left-hand nav

Is it possible to invite other users by email to interact with the ledger?

Invite via email is not supported at this time. In order to join, you’d distribute your Ledger ID, and they can join it via the Ledger Explorer page ( https://hub.daml.com/docs/quickstart#ledger-explorer )