Daml.Trigger import breaks daml repl session

Following the daml repl documentation with the templated example using daml new script-example script-example, I can add daml-trigger to my dependencies and create A.daml in src/ with contents:

module A where import DA.Trigger

When rebuilding, restarting the sandbox and then (in another terminal) performing daml repl --ledger-host=localhost --ledger-port=6865 .daml/dist/script-example-0.0.1.dar I get the following when trying to use the repl:

daml> import DA.Time
Hidden:   no
Range:    1:0-100001:0
Source:   compiler
Severity: DsError
  <command line>: cannot satisfy --package script-example-0.0.1:
  script-example-0.0.1 is unusable due to missing dependencies:
  (use -v for more information)
damlc: Error when running Shake build system:
BadDependency "GhcSession"

Note: I am providing a stripped down repro of the issue which arose elsewhere when I had a repl failure in a project which happened to use triggers.


At the moment, DAML REPL does not support DARs with additional dependencies. This will be fixed in the future. However, there are no plans to support running a trigger from DAML REPL so for this particular example you are probably better off, splitting off your templates into a separate package from your trigger (which you should always do, otherwise modifying your trigger requires upgrading live data on the ledger) and then load the templates DAR into DAML Repl.

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