DAML on Sawtooth using up a lot of disk space

When using daml-on-sawtooth multiple 10GB files are immediately made on disk. What’s the reason for this and is there a way to solve it?

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This is actually the operation of Sawtooth itself, specifically its LMDB database backend that creates files called “sparse files”. These sparse files are not actually 10GB but simply pre-allocated disk space. So while they appear to take up 10GB, and you need to take special care in handling the files if you’re going to move them, they don’t actually consume that space.

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Thank you, I have a similar problem but I don’t think it’s related to sparse files.
I used this link as the guide (GitHub - blockchaintp/daml-on-sawtooth: daml-on-sawtooth is an integration of the DAML smart contract runtime engine, created and open sourced by Digital Asset, with Hyperledger Sawtooth blockchain as the backing DLT.). Everything is ok and working but the problem is it uses so much disk space gradually, for example after a day the docker containers took 10 GB of space the second day it used almost 20 GB and so on. For now after 8 days all of my disk space is getting used by docker’s containers so I remove all the containers except the postgres, and restart the process every 8 day, I think the problem should be with sawtooth-daml-tp container. I even tried to run sawtooth-validator with --state-pruning-block-depth parameter but that didn’t help

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Hi @Alireza_Ghias_Tabari ,

I’m afraid I can’t help you with this myself. However, this seems like a separate issue, so you may have more luck posting your question as a new thread, especially with this one being marked as resolved already.

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