Daml Language Server output Error

My terminal in VS code keeps jumping to the ‘output’ tab.
any ideas what is causing this?

[Error - 3:42:10 PM] Request textDocument/codeLens failed.
  Message: Error when running Shake build system:
  at apply, called at src/Development/IDE/Core/Shake.hs:568:47 in ghcide-0.1.0:Development.IDE.Core.Shake
* Depends on: TypeCheck; /Users/maxhsu/Desktop/projects/wallet-refapp/main/Account/daml/Account.daml
  at apply, called at src/Development/IDE/Core/Shake.hs:562:63 in ghcide-0.1.0:Development.IDE.Core.Shake
* Depends on: GetParsedModule; /Users/maxhsu/Desktop/projects/wallet-refapp/main/Account/daml/Account.daml
* Raised the exception:
thread killed

Which SDK version is that? I remember fixing some bugs around that at some point.

1.18.1, haven’t tried the latest yet.