Probably a noob question; how do I specify the name of the generated .dar file from daml build. When creating a project with daml new <name>, the name of the .dar is <name>-<version>.dar. However, when creating the project with daml new <name> create-daml-app the .dar is named create-daml-app-<version>.dar. In short, I would like to use create-daml-app to get me going with a React/DAML app, but want the .dar to be named after my project name.
Change the name option in your daml.yaml. That will put the DAR in .daml/dist/<yourprojectname>-version.dar. It will also control the package name used in the DALF.
Pass the path explicitly via -o path/to/your.dar Here you can choose the path freely.
I would recommend to always do 1 and then if you need a specific location specify -o in addition to that.
For some templates daml new will also automatically set the name to the directory you created but that is not the case for the create-daml-app template. Note that there might be some other references, e.g., in the typescript code to the name create-daml-app that you will also need to update.
Thank you for the replies! Yes I later realised the reason for this was as @cocreature described; that are a few things in UI source etc that use the name create-daml-app