Couldn't find package while looking for template or interface

I have followed the tutorial on DAML Script (Daml Script — Daml SDK 2.8.0 documentation)
When entering the command indicated in the tutorial:
daml script --dar .daml/dist/script-example-0.0.1.dar --script-name ScriptExample:test --ledger-host localhost --ledger-port 6865

I keep getting the exception Couldn’t find package while looking for template or interface …ScriptExample:CoinProposal

It seems that the template CoinProposal cannot be found! I have used started a Canton ledger using the command daml sandbox. I have built the project as specified.

Any help is appreciated.

The error message indicates that the package you built is not available on the ledger. Did you upload the script-example-0.0.1.dar file to the Sandbox? When starting the Sandbox you need to use the command that also uploads the dar file to the ledger: daml sandbox --dar .daml/dist/script-example-0.0.1.dar

Thank you Alex. This has solved my problem.