G-d willing
Let’s say that I have a template with an Int field.
I am required to archive the contract whenever the value of that field is set to zero.
So, when I am testing, using a script, the choice that was exercised, I not only want to verify that the contract does not exist but also verify that the value of that integer field was zero.
How can I do that?
How about this?
p <- myParty
cid <- theContractIdInQuestion
-- Get hold of the arguments before archiving
Some args <- queryContractId cid
-- Exercise the tested choice
submit p (exerciseCmd cid MyChoice)
-- Test that the contract is archived
None <- queryContractId cid
-- Check that the value was zero
0.0 === args.foo
G-d willing
Thanks @bernhard for your answer.
However, what you suggested is not possible, because the choice in question does both, and I cannot exercise half of the choice, test it, and then exercise the rest of the choice.
template A
owner : Party
id : Int
value : Int
signatory owner
key (owner, id) : (Party, Int)
maintainer key._1
choice TestChoice : ()
controller owner
a <- create this with value = 0
archive a
testChoice : Script ()
testChoice = script do
-- allocating alice
a <- submit alice do
createCmd A with owner = alice, id = 1, value = 1
submit alice do
exerciseCmd a TestChoice
-- need to check 2 things
-- 1. Contract of Type A does not exist by ensuring the queryContractKey returns None
debug $ isNone (queryContractKey alice (alice, 1))
-- 2. The value of the contract was 0 before archiving it
-- How do I do that?
pure ()
The only way to do this anywhere - script or otherwise - is to inspect the transaction tree and make assertions on that. In Script that’s currently early access. You can see the submitTree
function that’s needed here. But it’s currently undocumented early access functionality so no guarantees or support on that yet.
Otherwise, write this sort of test in Java for now where you can get the transaction tree from the Ledger API and inspect it.
Thanks again @bernhard
I will test it and see how it goes.
Any idea when this will be officially released?
Can you please give me a simple example of how can I use the submitTree
in my case?
Here’s a minimal example, but since this is early access/unsupported, you are more or less on your own with this. I’ll ask the responsible team about timelines.
module Main where
import Daml.Script
import DA.Assert
template A
owner : Party
id : Int
value : Int
signatory owner
key (owner, id) : (Party, Int)
maintainer key._1
choice TestChoice : ()
controller owner
a <- create this with value = 0
archive a
testChoice : Script ()
testChoice = script do
alice <- allocateParty "alice"
-- allocating alice
a <- submit alice do
createCmd A with owner = alice, id = 1, value = 1
-- Pattern match the transaction to get our hands on the created and archived events
TransactionTree{rootEvents = [ExercisedEvent Exercised{
childEvents = [CreatedEvent created, ExercisedEvent archived]
<- submitTree alice do
exerciseCmd a TestChoice
-- Make sure we have a matching pair
(created.contractId === archived.contractId)
-- cast
let Some a = fromAnyTemplate @A created.argument
a.value === 0
pure ()
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Hey @cohen.avraham,
Long term plans are to make the functionality of submitTree
part of the standard functionality of the Daml Script library. However, do note that as submitTree
is part of early access, it is not guaranteed the shape of API as it currently is, will remain.
I do think that is very likely that any switch on your end won’t be much more work than redefining your own submitTree that mirrors the current early access on top of the new function definitions we might provide, as we’re mainly looking to slightly generalise the behaviour.
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G-d willing
Is there any update about the submitTree
In the meantime, Is there any documentation about it?