Canton console command for creating a user in v2.0

Hi team,

Sorry for my poor skill on the canton console command. From the doc I see this is how to create a user pointing to a party ID, using a command ledger_api.users.create:

ledger_api.users.create (Testing)
Summary: Create a user with the given id
id: String
actAs: Set[com.digitalasset.canton.LfPartyId]
primaryParty: Option[com.digitalasset.canton.LfPartyId]
readAs: Set[com.digitalasset.canton.LfPartyId]
participantAdmin: Boolean
Return type:

If I am in the Canton console and I have already created a party Alice::namespace, what is the right command I should type in the console such that i can create a user “alice” and set Alice::namespace as the primary party ID? I got stuck as there are some required arguments I donno how to input, such as Set, Option, etc.

Thanks for your kind help.

Best regards,

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Hi @kctam
Here is an example for making party alice the primary party for user alice:

val alice = participant1.parties.enable("alice")
  id = "alice",
  actAs = Set(alice.toLf),
  primaryParty = Some(alice.toLf),
  readAs = Set(alice.toLf),

You can check via


that it worked (you should see “alice” in the output).

Hope this helps!
Best Arne