Canton Command allocateParty failed: INTERNAL partyParticipant event: PartyAllocationRejected

Hi team,

I’m trying to run a script which uses AllocatePartyWithHint in a Canton setup with one participant node.

Exception in thread "main" com.daml.lf.engine.script.ScriptF$FailedCmd: Command allocateParty failed: INTERNAL: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: RecordTime not initialized with 'now' literal. Participant event: PartyAllocationRejected(
  participantId = participant1::1220d9951e7e7fcc02eb88d45d1b3e41d363800b951fde5be3d8c32ed17b05f71f60,
  recordTime = 2022-02-08T15:46:43.716928Z,
  submissionId = MyParty-da1e0bf7-5085-419a-ae56-db8ebd0dacb3,
  rejectionReason = "Failure(IdentityStateElement(
  id = MyParty-da1e0bf7-5085-419a-ae56-db8ebd0dacb3,
  mapping = PartyToParticipant(
    side = Both,
    party = MyParty::1220d9951e7e7fcc02eb88d45d1b3e41d363800b951fde5be3d8c32ed17b05f71f60,
    participant = PAR::participant1::1220d9951e7e7fcc02eb88d45d1b3e41d363800b951fde5be3d8c32ed17b05f71f60,
    permission = Submission

Can you please advise ?


Hi @jaypeeda

I don’t know which version you have been using, but it looks to be an older issue that was fixed in the 1.0.0-rcX release candidates (but might still be present in the public versions).

Effectively the error processing was broken. My best guess is that the system is trying to tell you that the party you are trying to allocate already exists on the node, but that error is garbled on the way out.

I hope this helps. If not, please grep the log file for CantonSyncService, from where the actual error is being generated.


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Thanks for your quick reponse @Ratko_Veprek !

It is indeed related to the party that is already allocated and from an older Canton CE version.

I actually have an issue the first time, I’m trying to run my script and allocate parties.
I’ll create a new topic dedicated to it.

Thanks !