CallableBond - Incorrect "Missing observation" error


Playing with the CallableBond (floating-rate) I’ve found out something unexpected.
The test bellow is a modified version of runFloating in module Daml.Finance.Instrument.Bond.Test.Callable.

Important parameters:

  • issueDate = date 2022 Jan 15
  • firstCouponDate = date 2022 Apr 15
  • holidays = [date 2022 Apr 15]
  • resetRelativeTo = CalculationPeriodStartDate

Given the configuration above, the reset date for the rate reference should be 2022 Jan 17 ( 2022 Jan 15 is Saturday), so I’ve created an observation on 2022 Jan 17.

In the test I electAndVerifyPaymentEffects on 2022 Apr 18 (Monday) because firstCouponDate is a Friday public holiday (2022 Apr 15)

When I run the test I get following error message:

message = “Missing observation for USD/LIBOR/3M at t = 2022-04-18T00:00:00Z”

  1. I think the error is not correct because the valid observation should be the one on 2022 Jan 17 (resetRelativeTo = CalculationPeriodStartDate) which has been created on the ledger.
  2. Should this test fail?


-- Create and lifecycle a floating coupon callable bond.
-- 2Y, 3M Libor + 0.1% p.a.
-- Issuer does not call the bond before maturity.
runFloating' : Script ()
runFloating' = script do
  [custodian, issuer, investor, calendarDataProvider, publicParty] <-
    createParties ["Custodian", "Issuer", "Investor", "Calendar Data Provider", "PublicParty"]

  -- Account and holding factory
  let pp = [("FactoryProvider", S.singleton publicParty)]

  -- Originate commercial-bank cash
  now <- getTime
  cashInstrumentCid <- originate custodian issuer "USD" "US Dollar" pp now

  -- Create and distribute bond
  -- Libor + 0.1% coupon every 3M
    issueDate = date 2022 Jan 15
    firstCouponDate = date 2022 Apr 15
    maturityDate = date 2024 Jan 15
    notional = 1.0
    couponRate = 0.001
    capRate = None
    floorRate = None
    couponPeriod = M
    couponPeriodMultiplier = 3
    dayCountConvention = Act360
    businessDayConvention = Following
    referenceRateId = "USD/LIBOR/3M"
    floatingRate = Some FloatingRate with
      resetRelativeTo = CalculationPeriodStartDate
      fixingDates = FixingDates with
        periodMultiplier = 0
        period = D
        dayType = Some Business
        businessDayConvention = NoAdjustment
        businessCenters = ["USD"]
    observations = M.fromList
      [ (dateToDateClockTime $ date 2022 Jan 17, 0.010) ]
    holidayCalendarIds = ["USD"]
    cal =
      HolidayCalendarData with
        id = "USD"
        weekend = [Saturday, Sunday]
        holidays = [date 2022 Apr 15]

  -- A reference data provider publishes the holiday calendar on the ledger
  calendarCid <- submit calendarDataProvider do
    createCmd HolidayCalendar with
      provider = calendarDataProvider
      calendar = cal
      observers = M.fromList pp

  observableCid <- toInterfaceContractId <$> submit issuer do
    createCmd Observation with
      provider = issuer; id = Id $ referenceRateId; observations; observers = M.empty

  bondInstrument <- originateCallableBond issuer issuer "BONDTEST1" "Callable Bond" pp now
    issueDate holidayCalendarIds calendarDataProvider firstCouponDate maturityDate
    dayCountConvention businessDayConvention floatingRate couponRate capRate floorRate couponPeriod
    couponPeriodMultiplier cashInstrumentCid notional

  -- One day before the first coupon date: try to lifecycle and verify that there are no lifecycle
  -- effects.
  verifyNoLifecycleEffects [publicParty] (subtractDays firstCouponDate 1) bondInstrument issuer

    amount = 1.0
    electorIsOwner = False

  -- Coupon date 1: Lifecycle and verify that there is an effect for one coupon.
    expectedConsumed = []
    expectedProduced = [qty 0.0027805556 cashInstrumentCid]
  (Some bondInstrumentAfterCoupon1, effectCid) <- electAndVerifyPaymentEffects (date 2022 Apr 18)
    amount bondInstrument electorIsOwner issuer investor [publicParty] "NOT CALLED" [observableCid]
    expectedConsumed expectedProduced

  pure ()

Hi Jose,

Thank you for reporting this. I have opened up an issue for it: Ensure correct rate fixing date with implied negative date offset · Issue #787 · digital-asset/daml-finance · GitHub
It will probably be fixed in the next couple of weeks.


Thanks @Markus_Friberg
I understand that after the fix the test shouldn’t fail. Is this correct?

I think so, at least it should use the fixing from 2022 Jan 17.

The thing is it’s taking the value on 2022 Jan 17
Here the same test but with the observation on 2022 Apr 18 . (dateToDateClockTime $ date 2022 Apr 18, 0.999)
As you can check it doesn’t fail but it is taking the value on 2022 Jan 17.

-- Create and lifecycle a floating coupon callable bond.
-- 2Y, 3M Libor + 0.1% p.a.
-- Issuer does not call the bond before maturity.
runFloating' : Script ()
runFloating' = script do
  [custodian, issuer, investor, calendarDataProvider, publicParty] <-
    createParties ["Custodian", "Issuer", "Investor", "Calendar Data Provider", "PublicParty"]

  -- Account and holding factory
  let pp = [("FactoryProvider", S.singleton publicParty)]

  -- Originate commercial-bank cash
  now <- getTime
  cashInstrumentCid <- originate custodian issuer "USD" "US Dollar" pp now

  -- Create and distribute bond
  -- Libor + 0.1% coupon every 3M
    issueDate = date 2022 Jan 15
    firstCouponDate = date 2022 Apr 15
    maturityDate = date 2024 Jan 15
    notional = 1.0
    couponRate = 0.001
    capRate = None
    floorRate = None
    couponPeriod = M
    couponPeriodMultiplier = 3
    dayCountConvention = Act360
    businessDayConvention = Following
    referenceRateId = "USD/LIBOR/3M"
    floatingRate = Some FloatingRate with
      resetRelativeTo = CalculationPeriodStartDate
      fixingDates = FixingDates with
        periodMultiplier = 0
        period = D
        dayType = Some Business
        businessDayConvention = NoAdjustment
        businessCenters = ["USD"]
    observations = M.fromList
      [ (dateToDateClockTime $ date 2022 Jan 17, 0.010)
      , (dateToDateClockTime $ date 2022 Apr 18, 0.999)]
    holidayCalendarIds = ["USD"]
    cal =
      HolidayCalendarData with
        id = "USD"
        weekend = [Saturday, Sunday]
        holidays = [date 2022 Apr 15]

  -- A reference data provider publishes the holiday calendar on the ledger
  calendarCid <- submit calendarDataProvider do
    createCmd HolidayCalendar with
      provider = calendarDataProvider
      calendar = cal
      observers = M.fromList pp

  observableCid <- toInterfaceContractId <$> submit issuer do
    createCmd Observation with
      provider = issuer; id = Id $ referenceRateId; observations; observers = M.empty

  bondInstrument <- originateCallableBond issuer issuer "BONDTEST1" "Callable Bond" pp now
    issueDate holidayCalendarIds calendarDataProvider firstCouponDate maturityDate
    dayCountConvention businessDayConvention floatingRate couponRate capRate floorRate couponPeriod
    couponPeriodMultiplier cashInstrumentCid notional

  -- One day before the first coupon date: try to lifecycle and verify that there are no lifecycle
  -- effects.
  verifyNoLifecycleEffects [publicParty] (subtractDays firstCouponDate 1) bondInstrument issuer

    amount = 1.0
    electorIsOwner = False

  -- Coupon date 1: Lifecycle and verify that there is an effect for one coupon.
    expectedConsumed = []
    expectedProduced = [qty 0.0027805556 cashInstrumentCid]
  (Some bondInstrumentAfterCoupon1, effectCid) <- electAndVerifyPaymentEffects (date 2022 Apr 18)
    amount bondInstrument electorIsOwner issuer investor [publicParty] "NOT CALLED" [observableCid]
    expectedConsumed expectedProduced

  pure ()

Hi Jose,

I have merged some internal changes to Daml Finance main regarding a new ObserveAt contingent claims node. This resolves a date related issue that we knew about before. Do you see your problem also with the latest version? If so, I will have closer look.


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Working as expected.
Thanks @Markus_Friberg !

runFloating' : Script ()
runFloating' = script do
  [custodian, issuer, investor, calendarDataProvider, publicParty] <-
    createParties ["Custodian", "Issuer", "Investor", "Calendar Data Provider", "PublicParty"]

  -- Account and holding factory
  let pp = [("FactoryProvider", S.singleton publicParty)]

  -- Originate commercial-bank cash
  now <- getTime
  cashInstrumentCid <- originate custodian issuer "USD" "US Dollar" pp now

  -- Create and distribute bond
  -- Libor + 0.1% coupon every 3M
    issueDate = date 2022 Jan 15
    firstCouponDate = date 2022 Apr 15
    maturityDate = date 2024 Jan 15
    notional = 1.0
    couponRate = 0.001
    capRate = None
    floorRate = None
    couponPeriod = M
    couponPeriodMultiplier = 3
    dayCountConvention = Act360
    businessDayConvention = Following
    referenceRateId = "USD/LIBOR/3M"
    floatingRate = Some FloatingRate with
      referenceRateType = SingleFixing CalculationPeriodStartDate
      fixingDates = FixingDates with
        periodMultiplier = 0
        period = D
        dayType = Some Business
        businessDayConvention = NoAdjustment
        businessCenters = ["USD"]
    observations = M.fromList
      [ (dateToDateClockTime $ date 2022 Jan 17, 0.010)]
    holidayCalendarIds = ["USD"]
    cal =
      HolidayCalendarData with
        id = "USD"
        weekend = [Saturday, Sunday]
        holidays = [date 2022 Apr 15]

  -- A reference data provider publishes the holiday calendar on the ledger
  calendarCid <- submit calendarDataProvider do
    createCmd HolidayCalendar with
      provider = calendarDataProvider
      calendar = cal
      observers = M.fromList pp

  observableCid <- toInterfaceContractId <$> submit issuer do
    createCmd Observation with
      provider = issuer; id = Id $ referenceRateId; observations; observers = M.empty

  bondInstrument <- originateCallableBond issuer issuer "BONDTEST1" "Callable Bond" pp now
    issueDate holidayCalendarIds calendarDataProvider firstCouponDate maturityDate
    dayCountConvention businessDayConvention floatingRate couponRate capRate floorRate couponPeriod
    couponPeriodMultiplier cashInstrumentCid notional

  -- One day before the first coupon date: try to lifecycle and verify that there are no lifecycle
  -- effects.
  verifyNoLifecycleEffects [publicParty] (subtractDays firstCouponDate 1) bondInstrument issuer

    amount = 1.0
    electorIsOwner = False

  -- Coupon date 1: Lifecycle and verify that there is an effect for one coupon.
    expectedConsumed = []
    expectedProduced = [qty 0.0027805556 cashInstrumentCid]
  (Some bondInstrumentAfterCoupon1, effectCid) <- electAndVerifyPaymentEffects (date 2022 Apr 18)
    amount bondInstrument electorIsOwner issuer investor [publicParty] "NOT CALLED" [observableCid]
    expectedConsumed expectedProduced

  pure ()

Perfect, thank you for the confirmation!

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