module Currency where
template Publisher
name: Party
value: Decimal
signatory name
key name: Party
maintainer key
nonconsuming choice Publish: ()
amount : Decimal
owner : Party
create Owner with
name = owner
cash = Currency with publisher = name, amount
return ()
nonconsuming choice Transfer: ()
transferAmount : Decimal
giver: Owner
receiver: Owner
let delta = - transferAmount
assertMsg "not enough cash" (delta < 0.0)
create giver with cash = with amount = - transferAmount
create receiver with cash = with amount = + transferAmount
return ()
template Owner
name: Party
cash: Currency
signatory cash.publisher
key name: Party
maintainer key
template Currency
publisher : Party
amount : Decimal
signatory publisher
io.grpc.StatusRuntimeException: INVALID_ARGUMENT: Command interpretation error in LF-DAMLe: Interpretation error: Error: node NodeId(1) (dcccd8fecddd546a7e56fd59c5e2943e1926b411da42e385be2dbadb4c0071ef:Currency:Owner) has maintainers TreeSet(user1) which are not a subset of the signatories TreeSet(Bank). Details: Last location: [DA.Internal.Prelude:381], partial transaction: root node NodeId(1): NodeCreate(ContractId(00b7e041f9ebbb2c9d088428417352c0302209e3c2a8b19984d3ba9445a5414f2a),ContractInst(dcccd8fecddd546a7e56fd59c5e2943e1926b411da42e385be2dbadb4c0071ef:Currency:Owner,ValueRecord(Some(dcccd8fecddd546a7e56fd59c5e2943e1926b411da42e385be2dbadb4c0071ef:Currency:Owner),ImmArray((Some(name),ValueParty(user1)),(Some(cash),ValueRecord(Some(dcccd8fecddd546a7e56fd59c5e2943e1926b411da42e385be2dbadb4c0071ef:Currency:Currency),ImmArray((Some(publisher),ValueParty(Bank)),(Some(amount),ValueNumeric(0E-10))))))),),Some(Location(7109c6bec5e868575d0732faf86ff6e6c3986fdf6e22ee51d59bd7b828f3df0d,DA.Internal.Prelude,$u002b$u002b,(380,25),(380,27))),TreeSet(Bank),TreeSet(Bank),Some(KeyWithMaintainers(ValueParty(user1),TreeSet(user1))))
The key error message is slightly buried in the result:
You can see from the first segment in brackets that the error concerns a contract of type Owner. The first segment is the package hash, the second one the module Currency, and the third one the template, Owner.
It goes on to say that the set of maintainers user1 is not a subset of the signatories Bank. Looking at the Owner template that indeed appears to the issue. You have signatory cash.publisher, but maintainer key, where key == name. Maintainers must always be signatories as well.
Your Owner contract specifies an owner of an amount of currency. Using just name as a key will get you into trouble as DAML ensures a uniqueness constraint on keys. In that case contract keys should really be thought of in analogy with primary keys in RDBs. To have a good primary key on a position like your Owner contract, you have three options:
You either ensure that a given user only ever has one contract of type Owner per publisher, in which case you can use use the pair (name, cash.publisher) as the key and key._2 as the maintainer or
You give each position a reference that you use as a key (like an ID column in an RDB) or
You donât use contract keys on the Owner template.
type OwnerKey = (Party, Party)
template Owner
name: Party
cash: Currency
signatory cash.publisher
key (name, cash.publisher): OwnerKey
maintainer key._1
After I update my code like this and build and run codegen, I find that a new dependency is required but none in node_modules.
var pkg40f452260bef3f29dede136108fc08a88d5a5250310281067087da6f0baddff7 = require('@daml.js/40f452260bef3f29dede136108fc08a88d5a5250310281067087da6f0baddff7');
This error message seems to suggest you may need to regenerate your JS bindings. In fact, you need to rerun the code generator every time you change your DAML code. The easiest way to achieve that depends on the version of the SDK youâre using (weâve worked hard on improving that experience over the past couple months).
For SDK 1.5 and earlier, you should kill the yarn start and daml start processes and run (starting from the root of your project):
and then restart the daml start and npm start processes.
Finally, for completeness: if youâre working with a recent 1.7 snapshot, or once you upgrade to 1.7 after itâs published, to process will be to select the terminal running the daml start command, and simply press the r key (r followed by Enter on Windows).
var pkg40f452260bef3f29dede136108fc08a88d5a5250310281067087da6f0baddff7 = require('@daml.js/40f452260bef3f29dede136108fc08a88d5a5250310281067087da6f0baddff7');
var pkgd14e08374fc7197d6a0de468c968ae8ba3aadbf9315476fd39071831f5923662 = require('@daml.js/d14e08374fc7197d6a0de468c968ae8ba3aadbf9315476fd39071831f5923662');
I tried npm i again just now, but it didnât work.
The package Iâm using is copied from the one created by dam new create-daml-app --template create-daml-app, in SDK 1.6.
All the dependencies is the same except â@daml.js/Currencyâ: âfile:daml.js/Currency-1.0.0â and puppeteer wait-on @types/jest @types/node @types/puppeteer @types/wait-on.
The attachment is my project which I refer to dam new create-daml-app --template create-daml-app.
I tried npm i again just now, but it didnât work. The result is the same.
The package Iâm using is copied from the one created by dam new create-daml-app --template create-daml-app, in SDK 1.6.
All the dependencies is the same except â@daml.js/Currencyâ: âfile:daml.js/Currency-1.0.0â and puppeteer wait-on @types/jest @types/node @types/puppeteer @types/wait-on.
I tried to attach my project by zip but Iâm not authorized.
Hi @cocreature, Iâm willing to upload my project but I only can upload files of these formats: jpg, jpeg, png, gif, daml, yaml, mp4, mov, mp3, webp
no zip or other formats.
I think email may be a good choice, but I donât know the address of you.
The issue is caused by the outdated package-lock.json file. It looks like you generated that before you had a dependency on the Tuple2 (thatâs what pulls in 40f452260bef3f29dede136108fc08a88d5a5250310281067087da6f0baddff7) and NPM doesnât appear to update it automatically. If you remove package-lock.json and node_modules and rerun npm install, it should be generated correctly. This is definitely something we need to make clearer in our documentation.
ftr, this is @Xuyxâs projects which reproduces the issue.