Bazel build rules `daml()` and `daml_binary()` documented but not implemented?

There is documentation about bazel build rules daml() and daml_binary() here: and here:

The documentation mentions //rules_daml:daml.bzl as the implementation, however that file //rules_daml:daml.bzl doesn’t contain definitions of said bazel build rules.

Do these rules exist anywhere else?

Thanks a lot,

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Hi @mesch, the documentation here is a bit out of date. You probably want daml_compile or daml_build_test instead. Keep in mind though that these rules are not written for external consumption and only intended for use within the daml repo.

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Thanks a lot!

To use the daml SDK in my own bazel build, is there a recommended way to do that?

Unfortunately, we do not provide examples or recommendations for now. You’ll have to write your own rulesets.

Good to know, we can do that. Thanks again!