As was mentioned by Bernhard, Digital Asset stopped publishing open-source Docker images beginning with Daml 2.8.0. However, Digital Asset is still publishing the open-source JAR files.
Alternatives come to mind:
For the long-term, you’ll probably want to craft a Dockerfile to build Docker images that meet your specific needs. The open-source JAR files are still published (for example, 2.9.5).
For those just getting started with Canton 2.x, the previously-published, open-source Docker 2.7.9 image is sufficient for getting the general idea.
docker run -it --rm digitalasset/canton-open-source:2.7.9
If your use case does not require containerization, you could use the JAR files directly.
java -jar lib/canton-open-source-2.9.5.jar
In the future, perhaps someone else will start publishing open-source Docker images in Dockerhub.