Canonical way to find transfers for an account in Daml Finance

Hi @huw,

Your point is well-taken. In scenarios where the incoming controllers of the receiving account are empty, the newOwner would solely witness the credit/creation of the new holding. However, they would not be privy to the corresponding holding being debited/archived. To rectify this situation, we could incorporate the newOwner as choice observers in the following manner:

  nonconsuming choice Transfer : ContractId Transferable
    -- ^ Transfer a contract to a new owner.
      actors : Parties
        -- ^ Parties authorizing the transfer.
      newOwnerAccount : AccountKey
        -- ^ Account contract id of the parties to transfer the contract to.
    observer newOwnerAccount.owner
    controller actors, getLockers this
      transfer this self arg

I have added a github issue 837 where we can track this.

Please also find the following related forum question:

I hope that helps.


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