Cannot Resolve template ID Locally

The issue it seems stems from the empty daml project in my dummy project.
Similar issue I posted here:
Multiple Dars on Hub, and Single Dar to Run Locally, What to do with Frontend React? - #4 by rikotacards

  1. if the daml file is empty, no dars are uploaded
  2. if the daml file has a dummy template, yet the templates don’t import the Asset, Account, User module, no dars are uploaded

So the solution if to use a dummy project is to create a dummy template as well,

module LocalDev where
import Asset
import Account
import User

template LocalDev with
    owner: Party
    notUsedAsset: Asset
    notUsedAccount: Account.AssetHoldingAccount
    notUsedUser: User
    signatory owner

Though this template is completely unused, it is necessary when running daml start and having the other dars to be uploaded to the sandbox.

An alternative solution from @Mate_Varga , is to simply use:

daml sandbox --ledgerid wallet-refapp-sandbox main/Asset/asset.dar main/User/user.dar main/Account/account.dar

This loads the dars into the sandbox, then the next step which I was missing when troubleshooting is running
daml json-api --ledger-host localhost --ledger-port 6865 --http-port 7575

and finally in another terminal run
npm start for the UI.

By doing that, we can avoid the use of a dummy project altogether.